Friday, July 12, 2013

result .!!

ASSALAMUALAIKUM..i'm back..walaupn dh msuk sem bru dh ttap jugak nk ckp result sem lps..sbb hari tu xsmpt nk update..seriously SYUKUR sngt2 dgn pointer yg sngt baik..n INSYALLAH this sem it will be my last sem..sekejap je 2thn berlalu..AND the most important thing that I hope my dream become true..and I will make sure this semester can get a good result..but I'm really worry about principle of investment..because of what..sir najmi mention that last sem the good grades only very scary..before I target A- for the subject..I don't want because of one subject I get a bad grades it will effect my pointer..I believe that I can do it..n study smart to be a successful person..I'm proud to be the daughter of mustafa n siti ajar..*__________*